Seth Abner, widely known in the gaming community as OpTic Scumper, is a renowned YouTube gaming phenomenon and professional gamer who operates the channel ScumperJumper. As a vital member of the OpTic Gaming team, Seth has achieved significant success, securing Major League Gaming X Games gold medals in both 2014 and 2015. His prowess in competitive gaming, especially in Call of Duty, has earned him tens of thousands of dollars, including a notable grand prize from the 2014 Call of Duty Championship. In 2019, his career took another leap forward when he signed with United Talent Agency (UTA). Seth's educational journey includes attending Midland Secondary School in Ontario and Cumberland Valley High School in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania.

Career & Family Life

On the personal front, Seth's family includes his mother, Kristen, and his father, Shawn, a former professional baseball player. He also has a brother named Jordan. In addition to his family, Seth has been romantically linked with KenZ, a fellow Call of Duty gamer. Throughout his career, he has built strong professional relationships, most notably with Matthew Piper, known as OpTic FormaL, as they both gained fame as members of the prestigious OpTic Gaming team. Seth's journey from a passionate gamer to a celebrated professional highlights his dedication and skill in the competitive gaming arena.