Alex Holtti, a social media superstar across multiple platforms, first gained widespread recognition through his Vine account, amassing over 3 million followers before the service was discontinued. He transitioned his creativity to YouTube, where he released multiple music videos and built a dedicated following of more than 370,000 subscribers. Holtti, who was just an everyday guy before creating content for Vine, has a passion for music and often shares his work on YouTube. His Instagram presence is also significant, with over 280,000 followers. Notably, he sports unique tattoos on his arm, including a dinosaur, a shopping cart, and a pair of scissors.

Career & Family Life

Born in a small town in Denmark, Holtti comes from a family that includes his sister Mathilde, who is also a web video star. In 2016, he started dating his girlfriend, Luna. Alex Holtti's social media journey has seen collaborations with other stars, including good friend and fellow Vine sensation Brent Rivera. Holtti's ability to expand his influence across various platforms showcases his versatility and connection with his audience.